Kamis, 19 Agustus 2010

the Girl with bangs

Ehm... Leah abis potong rambut... And now , with bangs!!
Leah pengen banget pake poni dari dulu. So , Leah pake poni pas terakhir potong rambut. Seneng banget karena commentnya banyak and beragam pula...
"Kayaq John Lennon " said my dad and my sis (Uggh... -_-;)
"Lucuuuu!!" said Cendana , my classmate .
"Bagusan sekarang," said Calica , my friend.
"Aneh... T.T" said Amelia and Kenly (Watch out!! wait for my revenge...)
"Bagus koq." said Christina , my best friend
"Lebih muda sekarang." said my sister. (sialan... cecemu umur berapa memangnya??)
